Contributions must be original and unpubished, and they must not be submitted for evaluation in the other forums while the Sintagma team has still not answered.


 Papers can be written in: Catalan, English, French or Spanish.


 Papers should not exceed 5,000 words (including references, but excluding the abstract and the keywords). If appendices were necessary, they should not exceed 2 pages. 


 Direct references that may help identify the author should be omitted from the text. Name and affiliation of authors will be indicated int a separate file.


 When manuscripts are submitted for review, they don't need to strictly comply with Sintagma Style Sheet, but they should at least be written in a format easy to read and following standard conventions. Once a manuscript is accepted, the author(s) will be required to submit the article following Sintagma Style Sheet.


 Authors should send the originals in electronic format by email to

 Once the manuscript has been submitted, authors will receive a message confirming reception and informing that the manuscript is under review. If authors do not receive this message  within a maximum period of five days, they should contact the journal as there may have been a problem in the reception of the manuscript and this has not been processed for review.


 The ordinary period for the submission of manuscripts is from January 10th to March 31st. However, extraordinarily, it may occur that no submissions are admitted, if the surplus of accepted manuscripts in the previous year is sufficient to complete the current volume (see 'next issue' for updated deadlines).

 The deadline for the presentation of proposals is approximate. If there is a sufficient number of articles accepted before the deadline for one specific issue, authors will be notified before the review process that their article, if accepted, will be published in the following issue of Sintagma.


 The Journal does not accept non-invited reviews by the editor.


 Sintagma does not publish contributions that are simply compiling previously published research. State-of-the-art articles are accepted only if they include a critical vision and an original contribution to the field.



 The journal is made up of a body of specialised reviewers specific to each article submitted for evaluation. They are contacted specially for the review of each piece of work. Ideally, they are chosen from the bibliographic references included in the work submitted to evaluation.


 The reviewers do not know the authors of the works. They are invited to discontinue the review process if they suspect they know who the author could be in case this could influence their decision.


 The evaluation criteria followed by the reviewers can be found here.


 Authors can ask for the exclusion of some reviewers because of conflict of interests.


 Authors will be informed of the result of the anonymous peer review process within approximately four months after reception of the original manuscripts.




Final acceptance will require the following commitments by the authors:


 The inclusion of any modifications suggested y the reviewers in the period indicated.


 The adoption of the norms of publication of the journal, following these instructions in the period indicated.


 The final proofreading in the period indicated.


 The authorization to electronically reproduce the works to be included on the Internet with the aim of users being able to use them privately or for study or research.